Wow, busy…

Writing this a second time due to Freehostia’s idiocrasy. Will I ever find a good host?

Those of you who know me already know how busy I’ve been, but for those who don’t, I just want you to know I haven’t had a full night’s sleep in almost two months. When I’m not doing too many things to sleep, I worry about the stuff I need to do to the point of not sleeping. Along with my normal lawn care duties, I also have three cords of wood to stack for my girlfriend’s father (gotta keep him happy, looks like I may be dealing with him for a while.) When I heard h was only ordering three cords, I was wondering why he wasn’t getting more, and if it would last the winter. Three was enough. I figured out that it will take me a minimum of twenty cumulative hours to get the wood stacked.

Being an engineering type (AKA lazy,) I started devising ways to make my job easier before I had even seen the job. My problem was that I had to move the wood an average of twenty to thirty feet before I could start stacking it. I couldn’t use anything with wheels, since there was a two foot lip in the way. I was in an enclosed area, meaning I couldn’t go around the lip, and I don’t have the supplies to make a ramp I can carry with my bike. Since I don’t have a car right now, I also couldn’t build the conveyor bely I just happen to have the materials to build. I couldn’t even build the rope-chute because the structure didn’t extend over the wood, just over where it needed to go. I ended up getting stuck with the chuck-chuck method, throwing it into piles near its destination and stacking from there. I’ve now got the stacking done and just need to clean up, but I seem to have only taken two thirds of the space I was told to use. Now I’m wondering if I didn’t leave enough airspace…

About Truk

New to blogging. I was going to create a custom blog, but this was much easier.
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